
Welcome to The Joy Within

Rediscover The Joy Within!

Welcome to The Joy Within, Let me help you find The Joy Within!

Allow Barb and the Somatic Intuitive Training process to help you gain some command over your life. Learn how to reduce emotional pain and to release emotional trauma. The method is private and confidential. You share the details by choice rather than necessity.

You need to have the courage to access uncomfortable memories and the faith in your inner wisdom or strength to reduce the emotional pain. Finally you need to trust that Barb can guide you during the sessions.

When you can no longer drown out the inner voice or ignore the shame or nightmare, it may be time to consider this unique form of stress management. Peace, power and control are only a phone call away.

Recognize, Resolve & Reduce your Main Stress

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Rediscover The Joy Within!

Opportunities to present this resource as staff development training or professional in-service sessions are appreciated. The Florida Bar recognizes stress management as continuing legal education under the Ethics section. Achieve relief and recovery from such chronic conditions as Insomnia, Panic, Anxiety, Depression, Grief and Loss. It occurs rapidly in as few as ten sessions.

Have any questions or comments?

The only stupid question is the one you fear to ask. Call today!
